Tuesday, 10 April 2012

ROLE Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy IN MOTIVATION AND Empowerment

Continuing the previous article about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in the healing process, in this article will be reviewed on the motivation and empowerment of the hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Lately a lot of motivation training from Anthony Robbins is famous for its Fire Walking, Get Your Mind AlphaPower organized by Technology, training, NLP (Neuro Language Program), Ari Ginanjar with its ESQ, of which use the modern approach to pattern religious spiritual, where all the training aims to raise motivation and empowerment of human beings. And what is the average obtained from the training? Increased self-confidence, we become people who always think positive, think more wisely in the face of "reality". Can stimulate yourself to be more 'robust' in dealing with the situation (whatever) that may not be profitable in a much more sensible. In addition, able to empower themselves to deal with medical and non medical illness.
The general objective in building motivation and empowerment (empowerment) is that there is a harmony or balance of mind, soul and mentally within ourselves so that we could offset the environmental circumstances of everyday that may affect our behavior. 'In line', so that we are mentally stronger and wiser in dealing with problems of everyday life. We can be more calm in thinking and acting. Always think positive. Even in situations that do not support the environment, behavior and our activities are not disrupted.
Regarding motivation itself may freely be said as a 'lure' or goal that made us with all your mind, body and soul we will try anything to obtain 'the lure' is.
Each person must have the motivation, positive or negative, unless he has a mental health problem (mental illness).
(Note the terminology for this paper: the definition of 'positive' is in accordance with the rules, order, ethics generally accepted then, and in accordance with the teachings of the religion which teaches such virtues, manners and so on. While the definition of 'negative' is opposite or contrary to the above)
In a behavioral or mental problems (excluding aspects of ethics, religion, manners, etc..), Provided that he understands and he's real motivation to act according to his motivation, then this person will not be psychiatric or mental problems.
Each issue of motivation has always been associated with behaviors or actions.
There are four categories for this:
First:An ideal situation. We know our true motives and that the actions / behavior in accordance with our motivation.
("I know what I want")
Example:An employee who is always late to work overtime as motivated because his wife would give birth to her first child so of labor costs. The employee has no problem even though he had to work overtime, as pictured in his mind a joy to have her first child. He will work willingly and gladly. People around him were no problems with him.
A mafioso murder and robbery everywhere, as motivated to get a lot of money and power. The mafioso is also no problem with a mental or behavior, because even though he committed the murder, his motivation is to power this way. Basically he did like it. Obviously, he was not accepted by the environment, but for small environments or perhaps he was accepted among the bandits.
Second:We know our true motives, but because of various things, actions / behaviors we are not in accordance with our motives, or actions / behaviors are not in accordance with the applicable order or wrong. (In the Java language to say 'eccentric').
("I know but it is hard")
Example:A teen wants to be free from the problem of pressure from his parents so he fled to the drug so that the problem is solved. The motivation is that he wants to be free, but its actions Selah causing a problem.A steal money because he wanted his wife happy. It is correct that the motivation to happy wife, but his actions are not true. People forced to work in a place which he is not in accordance with his conscience forced him to do so because of economic motivations. Someone wants to lose weight, but still overeating.
Third:We do not know our true motives. We think just the act alone. The important thing is not a negative action. ("I can act as long as it is right and what is not negative even though I do not know what I want, just do it" - speculative)
To this category might not be a problem if he feels that whatever happens is the way it is (let go). Hopefully if it works, but if it fails to take it for granted.
On certain people may not be like this. Although mouth to say that if it fails it is, but the extraordinary turmoil in his heart.
Like a chicken loses its mother, he would menciap-ciap continue because they do not know what to do.
This category has the potential to have behavioral problems that arise (usually occurs later) when the offender suffered an emotional shock.
Example:Any one willing to work even though he had to work day and night without stopping. If asked why he works like that, he would answer "Yes ..., I do not know, like just". He feels there is no problem with his actions because his actions only on process-oriented course.
Now imagine, if one day there was a termination of employment in the workplace. If he is resigned to the situation, then any change in the work environment will not affect the attitudes and behavior and he may be looking for another job.
Apparently, not everyone can be resigned to the situation. He would 'hurt', where the behavior will be disrupted as stress, depression or other problems. He will be a 'prisoner'. Every time just complain, complain, and complain.
Imagine if he was not strong to face it (this is often the case), the appearance may not be visible, but from then on he began a medical illness like diabetes or high blood pressure and so on.

Fourth:We do not know our true motivation so that the actions / behavior must be wrong because it does not correspond to our real motivation. Even if his actions look really, really just camouflage it because we certainly do not feel completely satisfied.
("I do not know what I want" - so suppose, assume, and 'chance')
Generally, this category also potentially create new problems, making a simple problem that had become more complex and complicated.
Example:One's wife in order to reduce eating excessively lean because he thought that if you eat healthy does not mean much. After the therapy, was his motivation for wanting to lean into the limelight with a new physique.
Privately, people in the first category, both in the soul, mental and behavioral, are not very problematic. No matter the motivation is positive or negative. The difference, if he's positive motivation, he would be environmentally acceptable. Whereas if the negative motivation may only be accepted in certain circles, or the environment, but he's still comfortable.
Similarly, in medical terms. Someone who is medically affected by diabetes, he knew that this life should be lived as it is and realize that humans do a lot of trials. important for him to live happily. Because he knows his motivation to be happy, he did not think too much about diabetes. He was treated as usual, and his behavior was not affected. He remained as usual, normal activities without any sense of stress or depression.
In the second category, the third and fourth place is usually a mental and behavioral problems such as the examples above. Very different if the person in the above case, as in category three, he knows he's motivation really is. Surely he does not need to be a "prisoner" who every day are always complaining. He will be forward thinking and positive to try the other where the motivation is to live happily.
See as examples of cases that emerged since 1998, many people are affected by layoffs may even be a successful entrepreneur because they have a clear positive motivation and able to empower them.
What affects the motivation that result in our behavior?
Situation and condition of the city and the current progress of time has influenced the atmosphere and environment around us. Directly or indirectly, for good or bad, it affects our mental and erilaku. As a result, it may be unconsciously motivated to be changed, or we do not have time / not able to empower our true motivation. Now, depending on our own attitude is, Can we overcome / compensate in the absence of mental and behavioral changes that we remain firmly of the opinion on the real motives? or "tune in" in that environment so that our behavior and attitudes are not compromised in the face even though we still refer to our true motivation? or we can view it with an attitude wise? or we drift with the condition because it was not concerned with our initial motivation? or we are unable to balance and harmony so that we are frustrated to this situation because we're so adamant in our real motivation?.
A lot of mental problems and behaviors that arise because of direct or indirect influence of the environment around us. A person becomes stressed because it was not right in the premises of the employer or his neighborhood, but he could not break away from their jobs because of economic demands so inevitably he must be there.
Perhaps these problems do not occur if the condition we are in a very conducive environment, very safe, peaceful and comfortable as in a quiet countryside, safe, calm, like in fairy tales. But is life in the era of globalization, especially in big cities, can be like that? Humans are required to compete with each other after all forms and manner, so that anxiety, a sense of stress, or depression can occur at any time.
So what to do?What happens if it is not able to 'tune' with the environment? And how do you get 'in tune'?
Motivation and self-empowerment become the main capital. With this benchmark we are trying so that we do not feel depressed, do not feel stressed, or frustrated in the face of environmental situations like that, which is full of competition (healthy or unhealthy), according or not according to their conscience.
If not able, then we become "sick" is caused by the environment itself.
And maybe we'll say 'we are very violent environment'. But with our ability to create harmony with the environment as if we felt it was 'tame' the environment so that mental and behavioral problems do not exist.
In this case, motivation and self-empowerment is important in the process of 'prevention and cure "an" illness "and mental behavior. By having a clear motivation (to themselves) to make us wise.
With a cool head we can solve a problem better because we can discern between what the effect will be adverse and beneficial to us, to sort out which are negative and which positive, good or bad, and so on so that we can determine what action is appropriate with the self- and motivation.
In addition to "the behavior and mental illness", the motivation and empowerment will also be important in the healing process of a medical illness. As explained in previous posts about "Hypnotherapy as an aid to the healing process", the healing process will go smoothly if the motivation to recover is also great. With the clarity of a motivation, "I want to recover from this disease because I am motivated to make my family be happy", then automatically we will empower yourself to heal and achieve the expected motivation.
The next question, "What's the motivation and empowerment are raised and maintained?"
Some of the complaints that often arises is derived from the second category, three and four above."My head was dizzy continue. I want to heal and want my activities are not disturbed by this, I've tried it but it was difficult", "I want to be free from problems that interfere with my activities, but it is very difficult." And more difficult to overcome, usually people are getting frustrated, giving rise to more complex problems, even propagate in the direction of medical illnesses such as high blood pressure, gout, and so forth.
In other cases, one wants to lose weight but it was difficult because there are still happy to eat a lot. Generally he does not know what the real motivation (this is the most frequently occurring) that makes him want to lose weight. The motivation has been overshadowed by the desire to eat a lot.
Indeed, it is very easy to say it in your mouth '"I want to be free of this problem", but his actions did not reflect that desire. Looking for an escape in order to rid themselves of the problem may be performed, such as excessive eating, drugs, liquor, and others. But keep in mind, refugees are not necessarily free him from his main problem so the next time the "disease" that recur again. It is also dangerous because it is suspected the possibility of new problems that caused the problem is really simple to more complex.
It is often the case, say A in the liver mouthfeel was Z.In contrast to someone who is very clear and understand her motivation. He will automatically do an empowerment in such a way as to achieve what he wanted.A person who wants to lose weight because of his motivation to please his partner. Automatically, he will act or behave anything that makes their partner happy including to lose weight.
Or, as an example the case of the three categories above, if the person understands that his motivation is to suppose that a happy family, he certainly will empower her to immediately find another job. We can see how the example, many people who are successful even after the 1998 crisis.
Or in medical terms, sesesorang athletes want to be cured of the disease at this time, because it motivated that if he recovers will be able to compete in a championship that he had long craved. The athlete will certainly empower such a way, such as mild exercise can help treat the disease, follow the doctor's advice and so on. Imagine if he was not motivated, the athlete may be lazy to do it all.
In terms of everyday life, a diligent child to school because motivated to meet his girlfriend at school not to learn.And much more.
In fact, raised up the motivation and empower them to do by our own if we can think clearly, our minds are calm and relaxed. But if the state of our environment can make us think clearly and calmly that every day we are always hunted by our work and activities? Not everyone can do it.
In the process of hypnotherapy by a professional Hypnotherapist, through specific techniques and methods, a given client's therapy so that she is really 'clear' with her true motivation. With the clarity of this motivation, the client, with no sense of critical and analytical and without doubt, will perform self-empowerment in order to achieve motivation. The high motivation to complete the 'disease' or they have problems, make the client empowerment such that the process of 'healing' or solving the problem can be run smoothly.
In addition to clarifying the motivation, a hypnotherapist may also provide a new perspective to a client who was having a negative motivation has shifted so that new, positive motivation and gives views on new values.
A Hypnotherapist is not a psychic, or astrologer, or people who have supernatural powers that can generate a motivation in an instant like a magician by just turning the palm of the hand. Not everything can be done like that. Remember, the human soul is unique. As already mentioned, each person may react differently in the same exact problem. In an empowerment to achieve a motivasipun, people can still change.
How motivating to a client so that he does empowerment, is a challenge for a hypnotherapist (This process is referred to as the 'hypno-therapeutic')
In terms of medical illnesses, as has been done by experts hypnotherapist, therapeutic process can also reduce a client's medical condition gradually. Clients can address his mental problems with a clearer mind and more positive.
Actually, the method of hypnotherapy as this has been done by religious leaders (clerics or a cleric, a priest or a priest, a monk, or a counselor, etc.) in their activities to build character values ​​of the sublime. The goal is the same, although the approach is different technique, which they use spiritual religious emphasis, guiding the client to the client realize her true motivation and empowerment appropriate motivations in accordance with the basic values ​​held.

A professional hypnotherapist, although he was not a counselor, not a psychiatrist, not a psychologist, not a doctor, or rather a religious leader, he can do the same, because the hypnotherapist usually pay more attention to the process of therapy rather than 'content'. The difference is that he did not instill the basic values ​​unless a new expert (physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, religious pemukia). But, as mentioned in previous posts, BE BETTER if a hypnotherapist understand things related to the values ​​of life, spiritual and religious. Surely this can or can also be studied through personal experience or the experience of others. Experience yourself is usually more effective than just learning because of the emotional element of taste and touch. How could he know family matters in depth if they themselves had never been married?
Vice versa, if a religious leader, counselor, doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist is equipped with the techniques of hypnotherapy, it will be better and more effective in carrying out its activities. They already have a basic knowledge of the values ​​that stay the way instill those values ​​to their clients more effectively.
However, DO NOT WORRY, although as a hypnotherapist you are not a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or a religious leader, you can still do it. Each client has a basic value, character and different belief systems, and we are not supermen who can solve everything. Therefore, a hypnotherapist can work with them (psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, counselors, religious leaders, etc.) to solve a client problem. And vice versa.
In other countries, such as in Europe and America, it is an unusual thing when a hypnotherapist to give each client a referral to a problem with a psychologist, psychiatrist or other. Because, basically, a medicine may not be handled only by one person, but he was very great.
This shows that the application of hypnotherapy is very broad and useful for everyday life to motivating and empowering themselves. This paper describes only a small role of hypnotherapy. There are many more other functions of hypnosis / hypnotherapy, such as in aspects of management, communications, marketing / promotion, corporate, legal, domestic, and others.
With this view, if we still have the view that hypnosis or hypnotherapy is a bad, bad, or dangerous .....??