Monday, 9 April 2012

Setting smart modem easily

Smart Modem settings, username, password - After several months of the emergence of HP 3G CDMA Modem and Internet access from Smart Telecom began to feel the decline speed internet access, especially at rush hour. It lists different types of natural thing because many use and cheap packages on offer.
If we're talking smart way to speed up internet is that it seems absolutely impossible. This is because the number of users and the pathway used cdma fixed capacity. But here there will be some way to slightly speed up the connection via a setting on the computer (Windows), browsers, and APN (Access Point Name) is not busy.SETTING THE COMPUTER / WINDOWS
This setting is the general settings for all Internet connections, the seeting QoS Packet Scheduler, and TCP / IP.
If using QoS Packet Sceduler please edit Group Policy (gpedit.msc). Sign In Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet Scheduler. Change Limit Outstanding Packets of not configured to be enabled and the Bandwidth Limit (%) = 0. This will save us 20% of bandwidth used by Microsoft...
In the TCP / IP services can we set in regedit, which is in the HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ parameters and edit the value in the register:
* DefaultTTL content value 00000040* EnablePMTUBHDetect content value 00000000* EnablePMTUDiscovery content value 00000001* GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize content value 0005ae4c* SackOpts content value 00000001* Tcp1323Opts content value 00,000,003* TcpWindowSize content value 0005ae4c* Restart the PC
* To optimize the browser, we can use to Speed ​​up Firefox & Mozilla* Can you also use cFosSpeed ​​tools such as the Accelerating Access the Internet with cFosSpeed
Due to the busy path used in # 777 username and password smart. Try to combine dialup * 777 # or 222 or * 99 # or * 31 * 11 111 # with the username and password is cdma or wap